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king snake 【動物;動物學】王蛇 (Lampropeltis get...

king-post truss

“ i ' m actually afraid of snakes , but the therapeutic effects are really good , “ customer liz cohen told reuters television as barak let the snakes loose on her body . barak uses california and florida king snakes , corn snakes and milk snakes in her treatments , which she said were inspired by her belief that once people get over any initial misgivings , they find physical contact with the creatures to be soothing 巴拉克溫泉療養地工作人員在對莉茲進行的治療中先后使用了來自美國加利福尼亞州和佛羅里達州的王蛇谷蛇和乳蛇,而她之所以敢于接受這種按摩方式則是源于自己所堅信不移的一個觀點,那就是一旦人們克服了最初的疑慮心態,那么他們便會發現與動物的身體接觸完全可以令自己的心靈受到撫慰,并進而變得輕松自如。